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1.1 填料商城的所有权和运营权归江西鑫陶科技股份有限公司。 
1.2 用户在注册之前,应当仔细阅读本协议,并同意遵守本协议后方可成为注册用户。一旦注册成功,则用户与填料商城之间自动形成协议关系,用户应当受本协议的约束。用户在使用特殊的服务或产品时,应当同意接受相关协议后方能使用。 
1.3 本协议则可由填料商城随时更新,用户应当及时关注并同意本站不承担通知义务。本站的通知、公告、声明或其它类似内容是本协议的一部分。


2.1 填料商城的具体内容由本站根据实际情况提供。 
2.2 本站仅提供相关的网络服务,除此之外与相关网络服务有关的设备(如个人电脑、手机、及其他与接入互联网或移动网有关的装置)及所需的费用(如为接入互联网而支付的电话费及上网费、为使用移动网而支付的手机费)均应由用户自行负担。


3.1 经本站注册系统完成注册程序并通过身份认证的用户即成为正式用户,可以获得本站规定用户所应享有的一切权限;未经认证仅享有本站规定的部分会员权限。填料商城有权对会员的权限设计进行变更。 
3.2 用户只能按照注册要求使用真实姓名,及身份证号注册。用户有义务保证密码和帐号的安全,用户利用该密码和帐号所进行的一切活动引起的任何损失或损害,由用户自行承担全部责任,本站不承担任何责任。如用户发现帐号遭到未授权的使用或发生其他任何安全问题,应立即修改帐号密码并妥善保管,如有必要,请通知本站。因黑客行为或用户的保管疏忽导致帐号非法使用,本站不承担任何责任。


4.1 遵守中华人民共和国相关法律法规,包括但不限于《中华人民共和国计算机信息系统安全保护条例》、《计算机软件保护条例》、《最高人民法院关于审理涉及计算机网络著作权纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的解释(法释[2004]1)》、《全国人大常委会关于维护互联网安全的决定》、《互联网电子公告服务管理规定》、《互联网新闻信息服务管理规定》、《互联网著作权行政保护办法》和《信息网络传播权保护条例》等有关计算机互联网规定和知识产权的法律和法规、实施办法。 
4.2 用户对其自行发表、上传或传送的内容负全部责任,所有用户不得在本站任何页面发布、转载、传送含有下列内容之一的信息,否则本站有权自行处理并不通知用户:
(11)含有法律、行政法规禁止的其他内容的。4.3 用户承诺对其发表或者上传于本站的所有信息(即属于《中华人民共和国著作权法》规定的作品,包括但不限于文字、图片、音乐、电影、表演和录音录像制品和电脑程序等)均享有完整的知识产权,或者已经得到相关权利人的合法授权;如用户违反本条规定造成本站被第三人索赔的,用户应全额补偿本站一切费用(包括但不限于各种赔偿费、诉讼代理费及为此支出的其它合理费用) 
4.4 当第三方认为用户发表或者上传于本站的信息侵犯其权利,并根据《信息网络传播权保护条例》或者相关法律规定向本站发送权利通知书时,用户同意本站可以自行判断决定删除涉嫌侵权信息,除非用户提交书面证据材料排除侵权的可能性,本站将不会自动恢复上述删除的信息;(1)不得为任何非法目的而使用网络服务系统; 
(2)遵守所有与网络服务有关的网络协议、规定和程序; (3)不得利用本站进行任何可能对互联网的正常运转造成不利影响的行为; 
(4)不得利用本站进行任何不利于本站的行为。4.5 如用户在使用网络服务时违反上述任何规定,本站有权要求用户改正或直接采取一切必要的措施(包括但不限于删除用户张贴的内容、暂停或终止用户使用网络服务的权利)以减轻用户不当行为而造成的影响。


5.1 本站不对外公开或向第三方提供单个用户的注册资料及用户在使用网络服务时存储在本站的非公开内容,但下列情况除外:

(4)为维护社会公众的利益。5.2 本站可能会与第三方合作向用户提供相关的网络服务,在此情况下,如该第三方同意承担与本站同等的保护用户隐私的责任,则本站有权将用户的注册资料等提供给该第三方。
5.3 在不透露单个用户隐私资料的前提下,本站有权对整个用户数据库进行分析并对用户数据库进行商业上的利用。


6.1 本站的文字、图片、音频、视频等版权均归江西鑫陶科技股份有限公司享有或与作者共同享有,未经本站许可,不得任意转载。 
6.2 本站特有的标识、版面设计、编排方式等版权均属江西鑫陶科技股份有限公司享有,未经本站许可,不得任意复制或转载。 
 6.3 使用本站的任何内容均应注明“来源于填料商城”及署上作者姓名,按法律规定需要支付稿酬的,应当通知本站及作者及支付稿酬,并独立承担一切法律责任。
6.4 本站享有所有作品用于其它用途的优先权,包括但不限于网站、电子杂志、平面出版等,但在使用前会通知作者,并按同行业的标准支付稿酬。
6.5 本站所有内容仅代表作者自己的立场和观点,与本站无关,由作者本人承担一切法律责任。 
6.6 恶意转载本站内容的,本站保留将其诉诸法律的权利。


7.1 用户明确同意其使用本站网络服务所存在的风险及一切后果将完全由用户本人承担,填料商城对此不承担任何责任。 
7.2 本站无法保证网络服务一定能满足用户的要求,也不保证网络服务的及时性、安全性、准确性。 
7.3 本站不保证为方便用户而设置的外部链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该等外部链接指向的不由本站实际控制的任何网页上的内容,本站不承担任何责任。
7.4 对于因不可抗力或本站不能控制的原因造成的网络服务中断或其它缺陷,本站不承担任何责任,但将尽力减少因此而给用户造成的损失和影响。
7.5 对于站向用户提供的下列产品或者服务的质量缺陷本身及其引发的任何损失,本站无需承担任何责任:(1)本站向用户免费提供的各项网络服务; 
(2)本站向用户赠送的任何产品或者服务。7.6 本站有权于任何时间暂时或永久修改或终止本服务(或其任何部分),而无论其通知与否,本站对用户和任何第三人均无需承担任何责任。


8.1 本协议的订立、执行和解释及争议的解决均应适用中华人民共和国法律。 
8.2 如本协议中的任何条款无论因何种原因完全或部分无效或不具有执行力,本协议的其余条款仍应有效并且有约束力。
8.3 本协议解释权及修订权归江西鑫陶科技股份有限公司所有。


I. General

1.1 Packing Mall ownership and operation right to Jiangxi Xintao Technology Co., Ltd.

1.2 Users should read this agreement carefully before registering, and agree to abide by this agreement can become a registered user. Once the registration is successful, the user and the packing Mall automatically form the agreement relationship, the user should be bound by this agreement. When users use special services or products, they should agree to accept the relevant agreements before they can be used.

1.3 This agreement can be updated by the Packing Mall at any time, the user should pay attention and agree that this site does not bear the notice obligation. The notice, announcement, statement or other similar content of this site is part of this agreement.

II. Service Content

2.1 Fill the specific content of the mall from the site according to the actual situation provided.

2.2 The site only provides relevant network services, in addition to the relevant network services related to equipment (such as personal computers, the mobile phone, and other devices connected to the Internet or mobile network, and the costs (such as telephone charges and internet fees paid for access to the Internet, mobile phone charges for the use of mobile nets) should be borne by the user.

III. User account

3.1 Through the registration system of the site to complete the registration process and through the identity of the user to authenticate as a formal user, you can obtain the site of the user should enjoy all the rights; The packing mall has the right to change the design of the member's permission.

3.2 Users can only use the real name in accordance with the registration requirements, and the ID card number registration. The user has the duty to guarantee the password and the account security, the user uses this password and the account to carry on all activities to cause any loss or the damage, by the user undertakes the entire responsibility, the station does not undertake any responsibility. If the user found that the account is not authorized to use or any other security problems, should immediately modify the account password and safekeeping, if necessary, please inform this site. Because the hacker behavior or the user's custodial negligence causes the account number illegal use, this station does not undertake any responsibility.

IV. Rules of Use

4.1 To comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the PRC, including but not limited to the "People's Republic of China Computer Information System security protection regulations", "Computer software protection regulations", "the Supreme People's Court on the trial involved in the computer network copyright disputes cases applicable law several issues of interpretation (interpretation [2004]1)" The NPC Standing Committee's decision on the maintenance of Internet security, the regulations on the administration of Internet electronic Bulletin Services, the regulations on Internet news and information services, the administrative protection of Internet copyright and the regulations on the protection of the right to disseminate information network, etc.

4.2 Users of their own publication, upload or transmission of the content of the full responsibility, all users may not be posted on any page of this site, reproduced, transmission contains one of the following information, otherwise the site has the right to deal with the user does not notify users:

(1) Violating the basic principles established by the Constitution;

(2) Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power and undermining national unity;

(3) Damage to national honour and interests;

(4) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination and undermining national unity;

(5) Destroying the national religious policy and advocating the cult and feudal superstition;

(6) Spreading rumors, disrupting social order and undermining social stability;

(7) Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, terror or abetting crime;

(8) Insult or slander others and infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of others;

(9) Inciting unlawful assembly, association, procession, demonstration and assembling a crowd to disturb the social order;

(10) Activities in the name of illegal civil society organizations;

(11) contain other content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations. 4.3 The user undertakes to publish or uploads to this website all information (namely belongs to "the People's Republic of China Copyright law" stipulation work, including but not limited to text, pictures, music, films, performances and audio-video products and computer programs, etc., are full of intellectual property rights, or have been legally authorized by the relevant rights holders If the user violates this article to cause the site to be claimed by a third person, the user shall reimburse all costs of the site (including but not limited to various compensation fees, litigation agency fees and other reasonable expenses for such expenses);

4.4 When a third party considers that a user publishes or uploads information about the site to violate its rights, and in accordance with the "Information Network Transmission Rights protection regulations" or the relevant legal provisions to the site to send a notice of entitlement, the user agrees that this site can judge the decision to delete the alleged infringement information, unless the user submits written evidence material to exclude the possibility of infringement, This site will not automatically resume the deletion of the information mentioned above; (1) The Network Service system shall not be used for any unlawful purposes;

(2) Comply with all network service-related protocols, regulations and procedures, and (3) do not use this site to carry out any acts that may adversely affect the normal functioning of the Internet;

(4) shall not use this site to carry out any adverse acts against the site. 4.5 If the user in the use of network services violate any of the above provisions, the site has the right to require the user to correct or directly take all necessary measures (including but not limited to delete users posted content, suspend or terminate the user's right to use network services) to mitigate the impact of user misconduct.

V. Privacy protection

5.1 The site is not open to the public or to third parties to provide a single user's registration information and users in the use of network services when stored in the Non-public content, except the following:

(1) To obtain the user's explicit authorization beforehand;

(2) According to the relevant legal and regulatory requirements;

(3) In accordance with the requirements of relevant government authorities;

(4) To safeguard the interests of the public. 5.2 This site may cooperate with the third party to provide the user with the related Network service, in this case, if the third party agrees to assume the same protection user privacy responsibility, then the site has the right to the user's registration information to provide to the third party.

5.3 Without disclosing the privacy information of individual users, the site has the right to analyze the whole user database and make commercial use of the user database.

VI. Copyright NOTICES

6.1 The site's text, pictures, audio, video and other copyright are owned by Jiangxi Xintao Technology Co., Ltd. or with the author of the common enjoyment, without permission from this site, may not be reproduced arbitrarily.

6.2 Site-specific logo, layout design, layout and other copyright are Jiangxi Xintao Technology Co., Ltd., without permission from this site, may not be copied or reproduced arbitrarily.

6.3 The use of any content of this site should be marked "from the Packing Mall" and the department's author name, according to the law required to pay remuneration, should notify the site and the author and pay remuneration, and bear all the legal responsibility.

6.4 The site has all the works for other purposes of priority, including but not limited to websites, electronic magazines, print, etc., but before use will notify the author, and according to the same industry standards pay remuneration.

6.5 This station all content only represents the author own standpoint and the viewpoint, has nothing to do with this station, by the author oneself undertakes all legal responsibility.

6.6 Malicious reprint of the contents of this site, the site reserves the right to resort to the law.

VII. Statement of responsibility

7.1 The user expressly agrees that its use of the site's network services and all the risks and consequences will be entirely borne by the user, filling mall does not assume any responsibility.

7.2 This station cannot guarantee the network service must satisfy the user's request, also does not guarantee the network service the timeliness, the security, the accuracy.

7.3 The site does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the external links set for the convenience of the user, at the same time, the site does not assume any responsibility for the contents of any Web page which is not controlled by the site.

7.4 For the interruption of the network service or other defects caused by force majeure or the reasons beyond the control of this station, we shall not assume any responsibility, but will make every effort to reduce the loss and impact caused to the user.

7.5 for the station to provide users with the following products or services quality defects itself and any loss caused, the site does not have to bear any responsibility: (1) This site to the user free of charge of the network services;

(2) Any products or services presented to the user by this site. 7.6 The site has the right to modify or terminate the service (or any part thereof) temporarily or permanently at any time, regardless of whether it is notified or not, the site shall not be liable to the user or to any third person.

VIII. Supplementary PROVISIONS

8.1 The enactment, execution and settlement of this Agreement shall apply to the laws of the People's Republic of China.

8.2 The remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain valid and binding if any of the provisions of this Agreement are wholly or partially void or not enforceable for any reason whatsoever.

8.3 The Rights of interpretation and amendment of this Agreement shall be vested in the Jiangxi Xintao Technology Co., Ltd.


